الركن الثاني: إقام الصلاة The second pillar: the establishment of prayer Prayer is the second pillar of Islam, a religion column and corner centerpiece. The imposed by God Almighty to Muslims, including those initiated and Juba, the five daily prayers, is the first right to worship God, and what role the Muslim voluntarily and affectionately nicknamed the God who created him and blessed him countless Balaih. And prayer because of their impact great deep in refining souls and evaluate behavior and strengthen faith; imposed by God on the prophets and the previous nations, did not disturb them law of laws, has told the Koran and Sah by God to His prophets and their peoples, has called Ibrahim Abu prophets Rabbo said: {Lord, make me resident prayer and Dhiriti} (Ibrahim: 40), God granted his prayer was his son Ismail worshipers {and was ordering his family prayer and almsgiving was at Lord satisfactory} (Maryam: 55). It is beyond Adhaan Nabih Moses said: {I am Allah is no god but I فاعبدني and prayer for remembrance (Taha: 14), and recommended Virgin Virgin prayer he said: O Mary اقنتي for the Lord and اسجدي and bow with Alrkaaan} (Al-Imran: 42 ), and between Christ is God him to pray, he said, in the cradle: {I am Abdullah given me the book and made me a prophet - and made me blessed wheresoever you and advised me to pray and Zakat as long as I live} (Mary: 30 - 31). Charter and God took the Children of Israel to keep their prayer {As we take the Charter of the Children of Israel worship only God and parents charity Thi kin and the orphans and the needy and say to people well and keep up prayer and pay the Zakat (Baqarah: 83). It is after them came the Prophet - peace be upon him - calls to what he called for his brothers the prophets of maximizing God and worship and pray to him, God has commanded, he said: {and ordered the family to pray and thy (Taha: 132