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الرئيسية » 2012 » أغسطس » 26 » Fourth pillar: fasting during Ramadan الركن الرابع: صوم رمضان
8:18 AM
Fourth pillar: fasting during Ramadan الركن الرابع: صوم رمضان

Fourth pillar: fasting during Ramadan
الركن الرابع: صوم رمضان

Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam, which is imposed worship God in the month of Ramadan (3), in which Muslims abstain from food, drink and sexual intercourse and premise from dawn to sunset.
And fasting superimposed God to Muslims and the United before them for a great purpose, Ageleta God said: {O you who believe you fasting also was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard (Baqarah: 183), Aim for this worship training insured on the lives of piety and avoid forbidden, and upbringing to control the will and control, and not being misled by desires physical, and liberation from families desires and slavery of pleasures, Muslim who leaves the day in Ramadan from food, drink and pleasures; it fortiori refrain from Sacred them on the night of Ramadan and throughout the days and nights.
The Prophet - peace be upon him - the effect of fasting in controlling instincts, saying: ((if any of you this length فليتزوج; it lowering the gaze and guarding chastity, and not Fasting him and came)). (4)
prophet describes - peace be upon him - fast as protection for the
Muslim, including Ihtmh him of the meanings of utopia and ethics
Semitic: ((and Fasting, and if day of fasting of you do not commit any
obscenity and Ackb, the Sabh one or murderer say: I Emro fasting)). (1) In another interview: ((fasting unless it penetrates Committee)). (2)
jurisprudence companion Jabir ibn Abdullah Prophet - peace be upon him -
said: (If silence; then let your hearing and your sight, and your
tongue from lying and sin, harming the server, and not you and tranquil
and dignified day fast, and do not make day Aftrk and on fast either). (3)
if not given the fast fruit has become behavioral pursuant dead
uninspired, The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him -: ((Whoever does
not give up false speech and acting upon it, Allaah has no need of his
giving up his food and drink)). (4)
work uninspired not a Muslim be rewarded ((Lord of the fasting person
gets from his fast hunger and thirst, and Lord based his luck from his
iPod)). (5)
learns Muslim school in September Sense feelings and poor sense of
their suffering, and Istjeich it made and generosity and spending in the
way of Allah, has told Ibn Abbas cousin of the Prophet - peace be upon
him - him, he said: (The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - the
most generous of people, and was generous in Ramadan .. The Messenger
of Allah - peace be upon him - more generous than the blowing wind). (6)
has begun for those who can not afford to post Muslims fasting for
sickness etc, prescribed for them to feed needy ransom of fasting, which
failed him, For if
Missed the participation of the poor and disadvantaged in the pain of hunger, you will not miss contributing to feed and raise their hunger {who يطيقونه ransom poor food is good volunteered is better for him and that fast is better for you, if ye (Baqarah: 184).
The multiplicity of this rule worship the Prophet - peace be upon him - has been recommended by his companions, told him Abu Umaamah: مرني something I take you? He said - peace be upon him -: ((you fasting; it does not like him)). (1)
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«  أغسطس 2012  »

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