الركن الخامس: حج بيت الله الحرام Fifth pillar: Hajj House of God
worship physical imposed by God on the Muslim-old once, where come
Muslims parts of the earth to accepted in Mecca, to perform the rituals
of pilgrimage in the days of information, investigating the purposes for
which God wanted of legislation this worship ordered by the father of
the prophets Abraham while said to him: {and proclaim unto mankind the
pilgrimage unto thee men and on every lean camel come from every deep
ravine - to witness the benefits to them and mention the name of God in
the days of information on what the livelihood of cattle etc. So eat
them and feed the miserable poor} (Hajj: 27 - 28). Cried Ibrahim, and
met believers from all over the world, and performed rituals as
performed by Abraham, and preserved the years Hebron Abraham, as he said
- peace be upon him - for Muslims in the hajj: ((Be on your feelings;,
you today on the legacy of legacy of Abraham)). (2) The Hajj training
course for the Muslim to practice peace, Vmnaskh lead in the country
Sacred which secure the birds and the trees, and rights, he said - peace
be upon him -: ((This country forbidden by God, do not compliment fork,
not alienate caught, do not pick up the cat only knew )). (3) __________The pilgrimage is also a manifestation of equality and unity among Muslims, where he will meet when Muslims from all over the world, in the dress and one, on one level, does not take them goes to the poor, not white on black, has speeches Prophet - peace be upon him - his companions in days of Hajj, he said: ((O people, not Lord is one, albeit one Father, not Arabic preferred not to outlandish, not an Arab Ajami, not red on black, or black on red except by piety)). (1) It purposes pilgrimage Male and veneration of Allaah and استغفاره which ancestor of sins and disobedience {, remember God when hairy Sacred Azkrōh also guided though you are accepted by those misguided - then Avaadwa terms elaborated people and ask God that God is Forgiving, Merciful} (The Cow: 198 to 199). As was the hairy man's land to Allah, the days of Mina is also well {and remember Allah in a few days, it is accelerating in two days there is no sin on him and delayed, there is no sin upon those who fear (Baqarah: 203). If completed the Hajj; Muslim demands the necessity for Allah in the rest of the days {if قضيتم rituals, remember God Kzkirkm fathers or more male (Baqarah: 200). It Hajj and its rituals slaughter sacrificial animal sacrifices to God Almighty, he says: The body made it to you from the symbols of Allah you where the best} (Hajj: 36), and in the introduction to this goodness achieve piety and represented in our behavioral {will not receive God's meat nor their blood, but bestowed piety of you (Hajj: 37). One of the greatest purposes pilgrimage refine the behavior of the Muslim Hajj, he says: Hajj months information it imposed therein pilgrimage not obscenity or immorality is no doubt in the Hajj and what do any good, Allah knows and تزودوا the best provision is piety and Atqon O men of understanding (Baqarah: 197), Valhaj should avoid sin, that has to be achieved forgiveness and to conclude from Sin,
he said - peace be upon him -: ((of Hajj and does not commit any
obscenity not يفسق; returned on the day his mother bore him)). (1) The
pilgrimage, which meets the requirements and achieves those meanings he
calls the Prophet - peace be upon him - an accepted Hajj, he says:
((accepted Hajj brings no less a reward than Paradise)). It was: and his
righteousness? Said: ((feeding and good speech)). (2) Thus, all pillars of Islam aims to recommend Muslim and refine his behavior and linked to his heart with God, the Almighty. But
Islam is not the staff only, it is the gift of God to humanity, he
religion which addresses the problems of humanity differentiated,
regulates man's relationship with God, then his brother rights, then the
universe around him, a religion which is based on the balance between
the demands of the body and the demands of the soul, and a full mind and
tells emotion. Will become obvious to us splendor of this fact and we are talking about the concept of slavery in Islam.