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Several divorce leads embryos Jewish world of Islam
Woman cleaner Muslim woman on the face of the earth.
Declared a world of Robert Galhm embryos, converting to Islam, after he dazed Quranic verses, which talked about the number of divorced women, who Ifni old in research related to the man's marital footprint, and make sure after painstaking research to fingerprint the man disappear after three months.

The newspaper quoted the Egyptians for Dr. Abdel Basset Mohamed al-Sayed professor of medical tests at the National Center in Egypt and the advisory Complementary Medicine as saying: "The world is Robert Galhm, leader of the Jews in the Institute Albart Einstein, and competent in embryology, announced his conversion to Islam soon know the truth of scientific and trunks of the Koran into the cause select multiple Divorce for Women, the duration of 3 months ", where according to the spokesman convince the world Galhm was scientific evidence, and the effect that the intercourse the couple produces leave the man to his own imprint for women, and that every month of non-intercourse allows the demise of a certain percentage ranging from 25 to 30 percent , and after three months away footprint entirely, which means that the absolute become liable to receive another man's imprint.

That fact prompted world embryos Jewish to do to achieve the District African Muslims in America, showing that all women have the fingerprints of their husbands only, while showed investigations scientific in another neighborhood for Americans liberated they possess fingerprints multiple of two to three, making it clear that they engaged in sexual intercourse outside frameworks legitimacy of marriage.

The fact amazing world when he conducts molecular on his wife to prove it possesses three fingerprints, which means it was betray, and went by the reduction to discover that one out of three children is only son, and subsequently convinced that Islam is the only religion which guarantees immunity women and cohesion society, and that the woman cleaner Muslim woman on the face of the earth.

الفئة: مقالاتي | أضاف: abodogana (2012-سبتمبر-01)
مشاهده: 1026 | الترتيب: 4.0/2
مجموع التعليقات: 0
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